Mega Green Hybrid Sorghum Sudangrass is the first Photo Period Hybrid Sorghum Sudangrass to be introduced to the American farmers. And to this day continues to be top in its class. The initial purpose of this hybrid was to widen the window of harvest for the hay producers of the country. (14-day window of harvest.) Conventional sorghums sudangrass when stressed will change from the vegetative stage of growth to the reproductive stage produce a flag leaf and attempt to produce a panicle. Under severe drought stress conditions this can occur at heights of two to three feet which results in a hay crop with low yields and poor quality. Under the same conditions Mega Green will slow down its growth, roll its leaves, and wait for a rain. When rain occurs or the plant is irrigated the response is prompt. The plant continues its growth producing 20 plus large dark green leaves. This prompt response to moisture is due to Mega Green's root system (similar to corn).
Traditional sorghum sudangrass will produce a plant with 7 leaves that are 2 inches wide and 2 feet long. Approximately 65 days after this hybrid is planted it will "boot" and change from the vegetative stage of growth to the reproductive stage of growth. When this occurs the protein that is present in the leaves and stem begins to move into the panicle and form seeds. Each day of delay in harvesting after this change occurs results in the lowering the protein content and general quality of the hay being produced.
Mega Green in comparison with traditional 3 Way Cross Sorghum Sudangrass will remain in the vegetative stage of growth for up to 180 days or as long as the day length is more than 12 hours and 20 minutes. Mega Green has fast re-growth capabilities and is adaptable to many different growing conditions and soil types. Dairy farmers in the Eastern US are grazing their cattle or harvesting "bailage" when the plants reach 36 to 42 inches. They are reporting protein content of 20% or more. Mega Green when left to grow can produce plants up to 12 feet in height with leaves 3 inches wide and 4 feet long. For hay production the ideal time to harvest Mega Green is 6 feet in height or 70 days whichever comes first. |
Unlike conventional three-way cross sorghum sudangrass that requires you to leave a 6 to 8-inch stubble, with Mega Green we recommend that you cut as low as possible. This allows multiple tillers from the crown roots as opposed to the single plant re-growth from the growing tip.
Cultural Practice:
Seed Count: Approximately 16,000 seed per pound.
Soil Type: Grows in all types of soil, however performs best on neutral or slightly alkaline soil. If grown in sandy soil may need additional nitrogen to compensate for leaching of nutrients. Seeding Rate: 12 to 15 pounds per acre for grazing or silage 20 to 35 pounds per acre. Planting Methods: Broadcast or drilled. Plant in 30 or 40 inch rows. Planting Depth: 1 ½ - 2 inches deep. Planting Time: After day length reaches more than 12 hours and 20 minutes and soil temperature reaches 60 to 65 degrees F. or warmer. Fertilizer: For maximum production use a minimum of 100 units of nitrogen per acre. Phosphorous and potassium requirements to be determined by soil test. |
Harvest: For top quality hay cut every 60 days or 6 feet whichever comes first. If plants are stressed cut sooner.
Grazing: If planted in 30 to 40 inch rows Mega Green’s seeding rate should be reduced to 10 to 12 pounds per acre. Begin grazing when plants reach three to four feet in height. Hay: Mega Green also makes outstanding hay if cut every 60 days or when plant reaches a height of 6 feet. Drill or broadcast at 1/3 to 1/2 the recommended seeding rate of hybrid sorghum x sudangrass in your area. Mega Green’s high tonnage may require the turning or windrows to insure uniform drying. May be cut low – multiple plants develop from the crown root. Note: Hybrid Forage Sorghums are susceptible to prussic acid and nitrate poison. Caution: This crop may be harmful to horses when grazed or fed as green chop. |